Tuesday 11 October 2011

Letting Go...

Ok, so this is going to be a gratitude journal of sorts. I realize I can feel down, especially as the cold, wet, grey winters drag on here. I hear that focussing on what I am grateful for will help with this and will help me to see good around me and not just bad. To see growth and love in my life instead of failure and lonliness. Through reading I have come to realize that when I focus on the negative, that is what I spread. And who wants to hang out with a negative person? I reap what I sow. And when I judge and put others down I bring that back upon myself through karma. Not good. And I HATE the idea of instilling these traits in my daughters. I don't want them to be negative, friendless or suffer from even mild depression.

I know there is more potential in me than I allow myself. Hey! I am going to make this also a place where I post quotes that I come upon that I like... that I need to be reminded of.

So I am letting go. Of my old self... my judgemental, negative, scared, lazy, pessimistic, depressed self. I want to embrace a me who is warm, friendly, curious, helpful, active, healthy, accepting, optimistic, and gracious. I know I need God to help me with these things. So I am letting go to God. My way hasn't been working. Thank you for bringing me to this table. To your table. Please help me to continue with this journey. Please be my friend and don't give up on me.... and don't let me give up on myself.

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