Wednesday, 5 September 2012

A Summer of Growing...

Hey I'm back!  Sorry for the "absence".  Summer is always a busy time, in a relaxed, unscheduled sort of way.  Kids around more often than not and my youngest asking "so what are we going to do today Mum?"  
I'll try to pick up where I left off in June...
So my kids were all away for ten days in early July.  I was kid-free for the first time in 20 years!  And if you read my previous posts you will know that I was basically dreading it and had no idea how I would fill my solitude.  Essentially I was saying "I don't wanna grow up", even though my kids were. I was projecting, and seeing this brief interlude as a sign of my future life as a lonely old lady.
Well, you know what happened?  I grew up!  I did... and I quite like it.  I ended up not really wanting to go to the festival in the park that we normally attend on Canada Day.  When I allowed myself the decision of whether I really want to go or not, I chose not.  I did go for a walk at the park by myself one evening though.  I walked the route I usually take with my girls, and it did feel a bit wierd and lonely, but I enjoyed it regardless.  
Another thing happended while my kids were away;  My husband and I reconnected!  That surprised me.  He started coming home from work earlier (ie: before dark) and we went out for dinner a couple of times.  We talked.  We spent time together.  We had fun together.  And actually, we continue to do so.  It's like we are starting from the here and now.  Like we have dropped off our old baggage and are moving forward without so much looking back.
My husband knows that I have been writing my gratitude list each night before bed and reading inspirational and uplifting blogs etc.  Now he has started doing the same thing!  And he is feeling much better about himself.  He is reevaluating his worth and his plans and his dreams... and he is sharing them with me.  And since then he has been getting a lot of work (he is an entrepreneur) and bringing in more money.  He has even since repaired his relationship with our eldest daughter. I wasn't sure that was ever going to happen.  But now they work together and are buddies.  He is getting back to being the man who I married;  Albiet a wiser version.  He is back to being strong and confident and funny and playful and attentive and optimistic.  I'm not saying he is perfect... but who is?  I know I certainly am not. 
While my kids were away I got comfortable making decisions based on what I want. One of the main decisions being how I want to spend my time.  I came to enjoy the freedom.  If I wanted to I could spend my whole day photoshopping, with my music turned up loudly.  I could drink wine in the evenings without having to worry about having to drive someone somewhere.  I could even walk around naked if I was so inclined. (Actually I did sunbathe nude in our private backyard one day.  I had some tender areas for a few days after.) 
Then my kids came home.  Well two of them anyway. And I realized that I didn't really always want to do what they wanted to do.  I didn't want to feel pressured to go somewhere fun and new each day.  I often just wanted to get my errands done.  Now that I have had a taste of growing up I realize that I am kind of, in a way, looking forward to more of it.  And I also became aware that I am ready for my girls to grow up too. One day near the end of summer vacation my youngest daughter told me that it doesn't matter what we do, even if it's errands because she is just happy no matter what.  (Looking back to one of my first posts on this blog I was pleased to see that this was one of my goals on my dream list).
Yes I want to still be a great mom.  And I am.  And yes I still want to do stuff with my girls and be there for them no matter what.  And I definitely want to be an amazing grandma when that time comes.  But I have come to realize that I also want to enjoy my husband and give him the time and space to enjoy me (Also one of my goals on my dream list).  And, I want to become the best possible Me I can become.  To realize my own potential and be happy and relaxed in that being.  Be happy being me and not, as I have said before, just someone's mom or wife.  
Another thing that has happened over the course of the summer, resulting from this journey is that I have become more outgoing.  I didn't notice it at first.  After church each week we usually hang around for half an hour to an hour while we chat with friends.  I often found this time difficult and would be eager to leave.  But this summer I have been much more comfortable talking.  Now people even approach me to chat!  It just flows and rolls naturally (as it should). A number of times a small group has gathered around to join in. (Having friends was another one of the goals on my dream list.)  I think I am just more comfortable in my own skin, and with who I am.
So my middle daughter returned from her summer in the Okanagan a few days ago.  She was away for four months.  If you remember I was sure I was going to die, being separated from one of my children for so long.  However we are both still alive and well. We made it.  Another step in the journey, for both of us.  She seems pretty much the same as when she left.  Before she left I was dreading her growing up, but over the course of the summer I realized she could do with a little maturing.  Four months went by with her out of my sight.  I don't know a lot of what went on.  That was something that really bothered me at first, and a reason I was hesitant to let her go.  But I came to realize that that was my problem and not hers.  She is a good kid.  And she still is.  And she still loves me.  And I still love her.  But we are both a little bit more independent now.  I don't think she expected to see changes in the rest of us upon her return.  It's all for the good though. For all of us.

Saturday, 30 June 2012

What Now?

I guess it's like being laid off from a job that you've had for a long time. Being "let go". Made redundant. Whether you are ready or not, it is your new reality. I suppose some would say it's more like retirement. You know it's coming. Some would say that you have "earned" it, as if it something to look forward to. And I'm sure many do! I'm sure many people have lists and lists of plans and things that they have been putting on the back burner, until they have time to themselves.
Perhaps all these years, while my girls have been growing and maturing and developing strong feathers to carry them as they fly from the nest, I was just too busy enjoying it all. As I have heard; "the days are long, but the years are short." Maybe I was supposed to be doing some growing up too.
Okay, I'm whining. Today is the first day of my premature childlessness. As I have told you, my middle daughter has moved away for the summer (and is having a marvelous time might I add. Making lots of money, working hard, learning to wake surf and sail, enjoying the company of her best friend and her boyfriend and learning from her own mistakes and successes). But today my other two girls left on a ten day trip. And I do have lists of plans and ideas. I do. And I hope to accomplish them... well some of them at least. But I am wallowing right now. The weather isn't making me feel much better though. We have been having a chilly, grey and wet summer so far. Lets face it... rain is like tears and sunshine is like smiles. and here on the west coast of Canada we get more rain than sun. What the heck am I doing here?! "Bloom where you are planted", right? Find gratitude and happiness where ever you be. Okay. I'll do that. And I do. Really I do. But the rain and grey do encourage moody, internal reflection and contemplation rather than outdoor, external type activities. Maybe that's just me though. I dunno. Excuses, excuses.
A realization I made last time I wrote (but forgot to get around to mentioning) is that I am a social person, even though I am shy and introverted. Go figure. I love having good times with other people. I love chatting and discussing and laughing and sharing. And with my girls readily available I have someone to do that with, basically 24/7. My husband is not a talker. At all. He sometimes tells me things about work, but doesn't like me asking questions or giving my opinion. He looks totally annoyed if I do and will often cut the conversation short, acting as if I have interrupted him. But if you know me at all you know that's what I do...I ask questions. I give my opinion. And no, I am not challenging him on what he is saying or picking fights or being judgemental... I am just trying to have a conversation. But over time I have learned (though I occassionally slip up) to just listen to him and either agree or keep my mouth shut. I don't mean to be complaining here. I am just trying to explain why it feels so lonely when my girls are gone. I'm not ready to be quiet yet. My husband also doesn't enjoy the things I like to do. He won't go for walks or to street festivals or art shows etc. He would never just sit on a beach, especially if it's raining. He hates the style of music that I like. And he doesn't "get" my photography or poetry. So I have stopped showing him. Lately I have been trying a new technique with my photography. I call it "Photo Art". My daughter calls it "Phart". When I showed my favourite piece to my husband he pulled his head back and said "Ew. It gives me a headache." Hmmm. I guess I am complaining. I don't like to do that, but I just want you to understand my life. I am very grateful for him though for many reasons. Perhaps I will devote another post to saying good things about him. I will post a "Phart" piece with this post. On facebook I have been getting wonderful feedback on them, and someone even asked me to blow one up for him and sell it to him!
So something I have learned is that I just have to believe in myself. Figure out who I am and what I like and what I enjoy and just go ahead and do it! Life is too short, not to enjoy it or to hold back in fear of offending someone. Spend time doing things that make you feel good. Be with people who accept you as you are. So that is how I have been living my last few years. Being me, instead of just my husband's wife. I lived like that for years. But now that my girls are stepping away... I am left trying to figure out what to do with myself (as I said in my last post). I don't think I would say that I have gone from merely being "my husband's wife" to being "my children's mother". I am definitely me. I just hang out with my girls a lot and we enjoy each others company and are a lot alike. Hmmm. It's not who I am (?) but it's how I spend my time. (I'll have to think about that).
Anyway, Just thought I'd check in here. The start of my trial period. My premature (practice) retirement. Wish me luck! (I'd love to hear from you.)

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Time to Pause and Reflect...

I know that I am lucky that I have time to think through stuff about my life.  Many people are so busy working and just running through life that they don't have time to reflect on things.
Because I didn't work outside of the home while raising my kids, I was really lucky that I was able to spend time with my girls as they grew up.  We have always taken the time to go out and do stuff like jump in puddles and look up at trees and poke at shells on the beach etc.  And even as they grew older we like to do stuff like go to art festivals and concerts in the park and street festivals etc, or even just go for walks.
I have a new challenge though... now that they are starting to do things more on their own or with other people, I am left wondering what to do with myself.  I still like to go do those things, but will I want to do them on my own?  Will I look pitiful or lonely or like a crazy old lady?  I know I should join a photography group or something, and I may some day, but I will have to push past my shyness to do that.  I did attend a few meetings of a local photography group last year, but it just wasn't for me.
For the first week of July all my girls will be away so I will get to see how I do with it.  I can't see myself going out to the Canada Day festivities like we have always done.  I'm not sure what I will do.  I have a few ideas, and I am looking forward to it in a way.  I don't want to just sit in front of my computer... but I do think I want to do some writing.  And I probably should do some cleaning (ugh).  I am going to have to make an effort to go out.  I will probably get together with my sisters a few times.  I know my older sister wants me to go on a photo walk with her and teach her some stuff. 
When I was in university it was a very social time for me.  I loved it.  Lots of parties and friends and interesting classes with interesting people.  Then I moved to a bigger city for graduate school, two more years of university.  I moved by myself and lived by myself.  I had to learn to be my own best friend.  I did have quite a few friends there from my course, and a few friends from my childhood.  And I had tons of school work to do... but I still sometimes went for walks by myself, got ice cream, sat in coffee shops, watched tv, went swimming, took the subway to the end of the line and walked on the beach, did  touristy things, etc. 
I am comfortable being by myself.  Perhaps it is having teen girls that has made me worry about "looking weird".  I think I'm fine with being a crazy old lady who goes to festivals alone and smiles at babies and watches buskers and laughs to herself.  I would love to have a loving partner there with me... but that is not the hand I have been dealt.  I would love to be in love and have someone enjoy my company.  (okay okay I am getting side tracked...)
Anyway, letting go is one thing... now I need to figure out what to fill the void with.  I could continue to do the same old stuff, but do it alone... or, I could try to find something new.  Hmmm.  Oh, and to still try to keep engaged with the outside world... perhaps to step out even further.  Hmmm.  Step out of the coccoon that I have been in for the last 20 years.  Maybe it will be a time of new adventures for me, just as it is for my kids. Hmmm.  
Stuff to think about for sure.

Friday, 25 May 2012

So Delicate...

A delicate flower...
Soft pink and fragrant
with translucent petals,
that demurely glow
when touched by sunlight.
The flower's stamen (or is it pistol, I don't even know)
protruding from the centre of the flower
with tiny specks of pollen
precariously clinging to it.
It blows my mind...
it sits there quietly;
so fragile
so seemingly insignificant,
so unobtrusive or demanding...
on the brink of destruction.

So beautiful and so fragile.
Yet it serves a purpose.
It's a part of the ecosystem...
the grand scheme as it were.
It bobs along in the wind
beautiful and perfect
emanating happiness and... actually, faith.
We too are intricately designed.
Beautiful and fragile.
Complex and precarious.
So much... effort, or design, or...thought
in each living thing.
Yet, life is so easily taken away.
We too are part of the bigger picture.
We too have a purpose.
Each of us.
However It is not ours for understanding
or for worrying about.
It is ours to hold,
to cherish,
to trust,
to rest in
and to be thankful.

Friday, 11 May 2012

Mother's Day...

Well I just spent 2 hours writing an emotional post, but it didn't save.  Ugh.
The gist... Em is moving away for three and a half months on Sunday.  My other two girls left on a camping trip today.  It was very sad to watch them say goodbye. Hard for me to say goodbye.

Time for me to grow up and get a life.  Ready or not.

Happy Mother's Day.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Nesting Instinct...


    My Shadow 

When she was young
She was my shadow.
She would stay close
Hold my hand
Cling to me. 

As she grew
Time passed.
My shadow shifted
Moving from behind me
To beside me.

We would walk along
Side by side
My shadow and me. 

More time passed
She grew some more.
Taller than me now.
Faster than me.

She is now in front
Leading me
While I tag along
Reaching for her hand. 

Man, I can't believe it's been so long since I last wrote here.  I won't go into all of my excuses, blah blah blah, but I will say again that it is hard finding time to be alone, with three of my family members coming and going all day long.   'Nuff of that.

An issue that has been swirling around in my head lately, and one that I have discussed with a few close friends, is the fact that I need to learn to let go.  Mainly I need to learn to let go of my kids.  They are growing up, spreading their wings, heading out into the world... I need to let them go. 

A saying that I have used many times over the years, is that I like to know my chickies are tucked under my wings where they belong.  When everyone is home, safe and sound it feels as if all is as it should be.  But of course, that isn't how it should be, really, for girls my daughters' ages.  When I was their age I was out and about... with friends, with boyfriends... sometimes doing stuff I shouldn't have been doing, but nevertheless having fun and spreading my wings.  I was learning life lessons and building memories.

A difference between my adolescence and that of my daughters is that they enjoy spending time with me and we go out and do some pretty cool stuff together.  I'm not just saying that because that's what I want to believe.  We actually have lots of fun together.  My parents were much more distant and detatched.  They pretty much never knew what I was up to, who I was with or where I was.  And they never asked! 

So where is the middle ground between these two scenarios?  I took all of the psychology courses... I know about adolescent development and the stages of separating from one's family of origin.  I know what to expect.  But how do I align that with my own feelings?  I tend to be more emotional than intellectual. 

Even though I had 'freedom" in my adolescence, I also had lonliness and no one to discuss my problems with.  My parents just didn't offer that.  Our relationship didn't offer that.  I had no one to ask for advice.  No shoulder to cry on or supportive hug.  I think that's a big reason why I went into psychology and why I have been close with my own children from the get go.  I never want children to feel alone or uncared for. 

I don't need to go into the psychology of it all but... My mother's mother died when my mum was three years old.  Then her dad died when she was 20.  She was shuffled around between relatives and then was out, truly on her own.  She is a tough lady. I contribute that, in a large part, to her being motherless.  She never learned how to be a mother, because she basically never had one.  They say repercussions of events in one's life are expressed for the next seven generations.  So my mum not having a mum, led to her way of mothering, which led to my way of mothering, and on and on.  I'm not say all of the repercussions are negative ones, but they are affects of the event regardless.

So back to me... Perhaps I have become overly close with my girls to make up for my lack of familial closeness in my own childhood.  Oh, and for a lack of closeness in my marriage.  Aha!  I said it.  I know that I hang out with my girls because my husband and I don't really spend much time together.  I know, I sound pitiful.  When I got married my husband was my best friend.  Then we had kids.  Having three kids in five years was a lot of work.  It was a lot of work, for a lot of years and didn't leave much space for Me.  Other than chats with parents of my kids' friends, I didn't really have friends.  I didn't have the time or energy. So now that my kids are older and don't need me as much and are starting to pull away I'm left wondering what to do with myself.  

Over the last couple of years I have felt like I have come through to the other end of a tunnel.  I see the world ahead of me... but I don't know which way to go.  So with the blinders off and my head raised up I have been trying to figure out who I am.  Me.  Anne. Who am I??  What do I enjoy?  What am I good at? What are my dreams for the future?  My dreams... not anyone elses.  What do I want?

Letting go of the known and stepping out into the unknown.  So far I've been good at being a mom.  So what now?  Was I hiding behind my kids?  And before that was I hiding behind my husband?  At least one thing I do know now is that I want to find Me.  I'm kind of excited about finding out what interests me and who I am.

Back to the issue of letting go of my kids...  I gotta do it.  I know I do.  It's the natural evolution of things.  I can't feel every step away from me, as a personal rejection.  I am excited for them and their futures. Okay, this is what I envision...  My girls grow up and move out...they get their own homes, careers, boyfriends, eventually husbands.  We keep in contact via text or phone calls or visits if they live close enough.  They still ask my advice.  Still value my input. But I learn to limit what I say, letting them learn their own life lessons.  I keep my opinions to myself if they are not asked for and offer them with measured restraint.  I support them emotionally with love.  I accept their decisions whether I agree with them or not (I hope I can do that) and just trust them.  They are good, smart kids.  They will be good smart adults.  I am here if they need me but their journey is their journey, not mine.

Even if they do screw up or make mistakes or get hurt, I have to let them do it.  God knows I did all those things, and I'm still here, wiser and with some interesting memories.  Actually, I don't think I'm trying to protect them... I'm trying to protect me.  There's the rub.  It's my problem... I can't make it theirs.  I also can't let it ruin our relationship.

Just let them go Anne.  In their own time... in their own way... when they are ready... (not only when I am ready).  It's gotta be about them.  Not about me.  It's their turn.  Time to spread their wings and soar!

Friday, 3 February 2012

Thinkable Thoughts...


  • "When I am anxious it is because I am living in the future.  When I am depressed it is because I am living in the past."
  • "We are so accustomed to disguising our true nature from others, that we end up disguising it from ourselves."
  • "Isn’t it ironic? We ignore those who adore us, adore those who ignore us, hurt those who love us and love those who hurt us." 
  • BUT...
  •  "Do something today that your future self will thank you for."
  • "You are you not meant for crawling, so don't.  You have wings. Learn to use them and fly. You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with greatness. You were born with wings."
  • "If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you won't, you most assuredly won't. Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad." ~ Dennis Waitley
  •  “If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place." - Nora Roberts
  • "You become what you do.  Life molds itself into the shape of your actions.  Do something long enough and you become it. Fighting for peace makes more war. Loving for peace makes more peace."
  • "Love is the way.  In this world hate never yet dispelled hate. Only love dispels hate."
  • "A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world. Everyone you meet is your mirror."
  • "As you immerse yourself in the beauty of the world, the beauty of the world immerses itself in you. The more you see beauty, the more beautiful you become."
  • "Happiness is a state of being, and comes from the inside of you. By the law of attraction you must become on the inside what you want on the outside."
  • "If you don't live it, it won't come out of your horn." ~ Charlie Parker, jazz saxaphonist
  • "When you feel listless and lethargic, do something different.  Instead of staying in your routine, go to a park or a movie or to lunch with a friend. Change your routine a bit. Sometimes a little change of scenery does wonders."
  • "Doing the same thing over and over, yet expecting different results, is the definition of crazy."
  • "The two most important days of your life are the day you are born, and the day you find out why." ~ Mark Twain
  • "Everyone shines, given the right lighting. For some it’s a Broadway stage, for others a lamplit desk. For me (as for many introverts!) it’s definitely the latter. " ~ Susan Cain
  • "We can only be what we give ourselves the power to be." 
  • “I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”—Carl Jung 
  • "Take a closer look at the word responsibility and you will notice that it is made up of two root words… response and ability. In essence, you have the ability to choose your response to any and all events that take place in your life.  Accepting personal responsibility is recognizing that the Calvary isn’t coming. While you may and will need the help of others to reach your goals, the onus is on you to orchestrate your own rescue. As they say, “If it’s to be, it’s up to me!” "
  • "You can't change the wind, but you can change your sails"
  • "A peaceful man is not completely free from the pinch of life's aggravations. He simply declines to give them power and refuses to be held captive by them."
  • "Begin each day with a prayer for peace and happiness. “Thank you, inner guide, for reminding me of all the love and light in my life. I welcome positive support throughout this day. I expect miracles.” This daily practice will jump-start your day with a miracle mindset and awaken your consciousness to the greatness around you."
  • "Your talent is the Universe's gift to you.  What you do with it is your gift back to the Universe." 
  • "How bad things may look right now means nothing.  It's how good they can be that counts.  In life you can absolutely count on one thing; everything can turn around in one day,  In one minute sometimes. Don't you dare to give up.  You might be a moment away from a windfall."
  • "All is well.  All is going according to plan. Trust that there is a bigger picture. Trust that life is unfolding as it should."

Wednesday, 25 January 2012



Again with the excuses... with the girls' new schedule this term and Ron working from home, I'm finding it hard to get enough privacy to get into my own headspace.  There seems to always be someone around, coming to talk with me etc.  All of that is fine when I'm staying in the "here and now" but it's not as conducive to being alone with my thoughts and being able to think deeper on whatever it is I let my mind wander to.  (I know in a few years, after the kids have moved out I will miss that though).  Over the last couple of weeks I thought of a number of topics that I would love to delve into here, but haven't had the time.  Urgh.  I meant to jot down the ideas, but then I know that I would get a big long list and would probably feel pressured by the list.  As I have said before, I find what works best for me is, if I just let myself sit down when I know I will have a couple of hours privacy and just relax and let my mind and fingers flow. 

A few times lately the topic of meditation has been put in front of me.  I just realized as I wrote the paragraph above that writing here feels to me, like a form of meditation.  I'm sure musicians feel the same way.  And people who do yoga.  And runners and cyclists. And chefs and artists.  Okay, okay.  You get what I mean.  I get excited about the chance to spend this time.  I look forward to it and feel restless and... all jumbled up, if I don't.  I suppose it's the same with anything someone loves doing.  A passion.  It feels like an extravagence though.  Like I should be doing other things.  I know that a big part of it is because it doesn't make me any money and it isn't "productive".  I don't even share it with many people.  But it has merit for me.  And that should be good enough.  The to-do list can wait.  Enough with the excuses...

One thing I have been wanting to mention here is something kinda cool that I noticed recently. You know how I wrote my list back in October about what I deserve and desire in my life?  And that I was putting it out there to the universe to "make it so" even though I had no idea how any of it was going to come about?  Well, here's the cool part.  Some of it actually has happened!  And in unexpected weird ways too!

Example 1:  I had mentioned that I want to spend more time with my husband and have us enjoy the time together. POOF! I was referred and I signed up to be a "mystery shopper".  My first assignment was to go to a nice restaurant.  I HAD to bring another adult and we HAD to order drinks and an appetizer and meals and dessert, and it would all be paid for (I just have to fill out a questionnaire afterwards).

Example 2:  I had said that I want to have a nice reliable car (the one I have now is old and ugly and is on it's last legs).  BAM!  A few weeks ago my car was in a small accident (no one hurt, no real big deal) but the cost to repair it will be more than the car is worth. I'm just going to use the money from the insurance company for a downpayment on another car.

Example 3: This wasn't on my list but has been on my I-want-it-but-can't-ask-for-it list.  An iPad.  I don't need one, but I'd love to get my hands on one to fiddle with it and see what it can do (I love technology). KAZAM! My youngest daughter has been chosen out of her school of 2000 kids to be one of seven kids to get an iPad as part of a research study on iPad use as an aid to learning.

Example 4: I wanted a good tripod (ball head instead of the usual two or three-way panhead). ABRACADABRA! Over Christmas my sister mentioned that she had one just sitting around not being used and of course I could use it.

I guess you've just gotta put it out there.  I would never have been able to guess or plan any of these solutions that arose.  I didn't directly make any of them happen. 

I think that's called faith.  It's a vulnerable feeling.  Putting your trust out there like that.  But come to think of it, that is SO much better than not being able to trust in anyone or anything... not having any hope, and feeling like you have to do it all by yourself.  That's exhausting.  I know.

A bible verse just came to mind.  I had to look it up.  It's from the book of Matthew.  I remember hearing it years ago.  

  25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

   28 “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? 31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

*As I've said before, references to God can also be thought of as putting stuff out there to "The Universe", and just not feeling all alone.

Getting back to the topic of meditation... I have learned recently that meditation is the process of quieting your mind so that you can listen, and hear your inner voice and your guiding voice (God).  Prayer is when we do all the talking.  Meditation is when we listen for the answer.  I think I find writing to be meditative because in it, I do both.  Through writing about things that come to mind, I become aware of what is concerning or intriguing me and then I flow through with realizations and conclusions.  Huh.  How cool is that!

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Loosening Up...


"I've been noticing how easy it is to walk through life with clenched fists, trying to hold on to things we're afraid to lose ... but with clenched fists we can neither give nor receive." ~ J.B.

This is a quote a friend posted on facebook a few months ago.  I find I have been thinking about it a fair bit.  I realized I do that... when I tune into myself I realize I often have gently clenched fists.  Huh.  Perhaps I am trying to "hold on".  To maintain my privacy? To stay inside of myself instead of opening myself to my surroundings?  Hmmm.

For the last couple of years I have had trouble with my shoulders.  Frozen shoulder; which causes a restricted range of motion and pain.  The doctors, physios and literature say that frozen shoulder will just "undo" itself after 1 to 3 years.  Since reading this quote I am wondering if being tense and "clenched" is one of the causes of this.  Part of it of course is more of a symptom... I clench my shoulders to avoid pain.  At this point I don't know which came first, the tension or the injury. Hmm.  The pain started after we moved into the house we are in now.  I assumed (and so does my sports medicine doctor) that it occurred because I stopped lifting weights after we moved... I have a big Bowflex kind of thing that I used to work out on regularly, mainly working my arms and shoulders.  But to move the machine, it was disassembled and my husband never found the time to reassemble it after the move (I tried but it was too complex). 

The reason we moved was because we had to sell our house that we loved and had been living in for 12 years. The economic downturn hitting the country affected our business negatively and we lost pretty much everything.  So ya, that caused me stress.  It stressed our finances, our marriage and our children.  Hey!  Maybe subconsciously I am clenching my fists and shoulders to "hold on" to what we have left.  Our posessions. Our marriage.  My sanity.

So getting back to JB's quote, all this "holding on" has been restricting my flow of energy, not only within my body but with my surroundings as well.  Since reading that quote a few months ago I have been making a conscious effort to release my shoulders and hands whenever I become aware of tension.  It has helped!  My left shoulder seems to be releasing.  Halleluiah!  I was dreading going back to see my sports medicine doctor because he says that the next option is surgery, if they don't release on their own.  Yikes.  But now I am excited to go back and see him tomorrow so he can measure the improvement.

Also helping with tension release, over the last couple of years I have been working on finding joy and beauty in my world. It has been amazing actually.  I won't go on about it now though because if you have read this far I'm sure you are ready for this post to come to a close.  I should write a post about a dream I had about all this once.  Oh, and about my theories about dream analysis too.  Ha ha.  Getting ahead of myself.  Hush now.

So in summary; let go of your tension.  Do it now... take a deep breath... lower your shoulders, shake out your hands... look around the room.  There.  Now get on with your day and enjoy your surroundings.

Monday, 9 January 2012

Opening Gifts...


Wow, it feels like forever since I've written here.  Or written at all really... I mean, sat and had time to be in my own headspace.  I'm out of the habit.  I keep thinking about my to do list and things I need to get done this week, now that I finally get some time to myself.  My kids are all back in school, but with two in university their schedules are all over the place, with days off and one class per day some days.  Ok... shake it off... here and now... I have time alone... it's quiet... I know I need to start the laundry... shhh... hush...

Over the holidays I was surprised to find I felt down some days. And a bit short tempered on some.  It could be because I didn't get my alone time. It could be all the expectations tied to the holidays... entertaining, baking, shopping, decorating, house guests, etc.  Thinking back I really enjoyed most of that.  I do know though that I get stressed when we have house guests.  Not just the cleaning or the cooking or the hosting and entertaining... it's the pressure to be "on" all the time.  To be chatty and social and witty etc. 

I am an introvert. And introverts get their energy from being alone, whereas extroverts get their energy from being around other people.  The rest of my immediate family is pretty much introverted as well... with the exception of enjoying spending time together.  I was going to say that perhaps sharing our genetics, our blood, that that predisposes us to feeling that we are part of a shared unit.  But I sure don't feel that way with my bro and sis's.  In a way it is more relaxing to spend time with strangers or aquaintances than with my siblings or my mother.  Extended family members come with an intimacy (even though we are not very close) that allows them to judge and question and comment on me and my life, that others don't.  Or maybe I just feel judged and compared and measured. Hmmm.

One of my daughter's is a bit more extroverted than the rest of us. She is the first of my daughter's to have a boyfriend.  It is a new experience for all of us.  She is a good kid with a level head and so I don't worry about her (after a few reassuring talks we've had, that is).  Her boyfriend however doesn't live nearby.  They live a ferry ride (about 4 hour trip door to door) apart.  I won't get into how they met but the majority of their relationship since meeting is carried out via text and skype.  He is a nice boy and we get along really well.  (The girls have always told each other that they all have to approve of each other's boyfriends/husbands... and luckily this one fits).  But anyway, this boy came to visit over the holidays.  He stayed 6 days.  It was only supposed to be for 4 days but my daughter talked me into allowing an extended visit.  Then as soon as he left, actually even before, that same daughter had a friend over who prefers being at our house to being at her own.  So she comes over, or they go out together... but she always stays until 10 or 11 pm.  She just sits down at the dinner table at dinner time, helps herself to food in the kitchen whenever she wants... makes herself quite at home.  (Oh dear, I'm getting worked up and whining... ugh). 

My point is, I am grateful that my daughter's have friends, and that they are really great kids.  I am grateful that we all like the majority of their friends.  I am grateful that they feel comfortable at our house and feel welcome.  I am grateful that they like me as a person and don't just see me as a typical mom.  They think I'm cool and like going on outings with me.  I am blessed that my kids love hanging out with me and we have tons of fun together... and I guess it is a compliment when their friends envy us and want to join us.  I know that including them is the good "christian" thing to do. 

Over the years we have had a number of friends like this.  Friends of my three daughters who latch on to us and spend a lot of time with us.  One such friend was a boy who was was in foster care and wasn't happy in his foster home.  He would drop by just before dinner most nights and we would just set a plate for him and take smaller portions.  He also would sleep over at our house two or three nights a week (of course getting permission from his foster mom).  He kept a number of items at our house (we were in a bigger house then).  We took him with us on our outings... he probably would never have a chance to go to many of the places we took him otherwise.  Another friend who, years later, frequently joined us on out outings, later said that the times he spent with us were the happiest times of his life.

So I guess where this is going (I never know until I start writing... or even what topic I'm going to ramble about) is to realize for myself that it is a good thing to put my own introversion aside and to welcome these people with open arms into our/my life.  My psychology background makes me empathize with these kids (well, some are in their 20's).  Some of them open up to me.  One girl said she felt more comfortable talking to me than to her own mother.  Not to sound boastful, but I suppose I was given a gift (many, if you include my car, my home, my children, the food I can provide, my freedom to go on outings, etc) and I should use my gift unselfishly.  Gifts are meant to be shared.  Comfort zones sometimes need to be breached. 

So, this isn't at all what I thought I was going to write about today.  I had a few other ideas brewing, but I find this free flow is the best way for me.  Perhaps it gets out what needs to get out.

Now to tackle the laundry.